They were captives who shared a wall, and cut a hole in it
so they could hold each other's hands. Until he killed their captor, Mother.
Then he disappeared, and as the world swooped in to save the Children locked
away in Mother's house, the girl called Gretel became...lost. No breadcrumbs.
Finding Hansel, years later, is the shock of Leah McKenzie's
adult life. Finding out how far she'll go for him - that's no surprise.
Leah's given Hansel - Lucas, he says it is - every piece of
herself. And he's been both cruel and kind.
What they share is dangerous.
What they feel is dark.
Their history is twisted.
Their hearts already broken.
And that's before the secrets are revealed. Hansel Part 4 by Ella James
My Rating 4 out of 5
"Together, baby, all we need is half to make a whole."
This series……man I still need a minute. The twists and turns plus the things I just didn't see coming keep me entralled in this twisted fairytale. A good ending to wrap up a dark, hot and emotional read.

About the
Ella James is a USA Today
bestselling romance author. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller
lists, including the Movers & Shakers list and the Amazon Top 25 overall;
two were listed among Amazon's Top 100 Bestselling Young Adult Ebooks in 2012.
To find out more about Ella's projects and get dates on upcoming releases, you can stalk her on the
following social media sites:
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