A storm is coming, and with storms come restless waters.
Pulled from the depths of catastrophe and depression, Blythe McGuire has learned to escape from her past while embracing the future. A future now entwined with the Shepherd siblings.
With Chris, she shares a staggering romance that kicks heartbreak’s ass.
With Sabin, she shares an intense friendship, one that’s becoming more complicated than either had expected. A friendship now being put to the test because Sabin’s brutal past still haunts him. Because trauma is the gift that keeps on giving without mercy.
Now Sabin is the one left drowning and struggling to breathe, and his turmoil threatens to send all three into dark currents they cannot escape. Even after going through her own hell, saving Sabin will take much more than Blythe had anticipated. Their connection and their love could help, but getting him to reach for her hand could be Blythe’s biggest challenge ever.
Restless Waters ( Left Drowning #2) by Jessica Park

OMG....where are the tissues. This is so NOT my usual read and I'm going to have to read a MC, Mafia, Commando/Alpha Badass Erotica soon before I'm asked to turn in MY Ride or Die, Sexual Healing, Rock Chick Card!!
Anguish, jealousy, and misplaced feelings are the emotions tacked in this story. The family is struggling with the aftermath of an abusive childhood and a tragic accident.
Blithe and Chris are the monarchs of the family and their siblings are considered "the children". Sabin, Blithe's BFF and Chris' brother has a couple of issues he is in dire need to work out. I found him very immature and OTT at times until I realized he was just overcompensating and didn't know how to deal.
For a very quick second I was torn between Sabin and Chris for Blithe, but I came back to Chris. They just felt right together. A poignant moment in the book for me was the family video and the REALIZATION........bring out the tissue AGAIN! I listened to the audio version of this book and it includes songs inserted at significant parts of the story in order to drive home the point. A VERY NICE TOUCH!!
Of course, in the end we get a HEA and brotherly love prevailed. I must admit, I did not read book one, Left Drowning and I was able to follow and enjoy the story. I honesty don't think I can take reading book one but for those that are compelled to......have at it and happy reading.
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