Hard-Core (A Scorching Stripper's Love Story #1) 
by Jessika Klide

Am I really hardcore? You bet your a$$ I am.

I was born Maximus Aurelius Moore. My life seems simple on the surface, but it's not. It's full of secrets.

I'm Maximus to my Italian family, heir to a family fortune; Aurei to my Alabama bros I grew up with; and to the Army, I'm Mr. Moore. I'm complicated, and therefore, unattached.

I can't afford a casual hookup with someone wanting more from me, and I understand the odds are astronomical that I will find someone unique enough to handle all the complexities of who I am and all the secrets that I have. Therefore, my hookups are 'take'em, then shake'em.'

I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never find someone. She simply doesn't exist. Occasionally, I hear that little voice deep inside that whispers, "Never say never. It'll make a liar out of you!" So, do I dream about finding undeniable love? Affirmative, but I'm not optimistic it will happen to me. A trillion to one is not betting odds.

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Jessika Klide is my pen name. I'm from LA ... Lower Alabama. The Deep South. My mind is extremely sensuous, some call that slutty, so it's just better to use a pen name. Trust me on this! ;)

I married my high school sweetheart and have been married to him longer than I have lived without him. He is not only my soulmate but my best friend and what I have learned about love is that not all relationships are a struggle. When you find the right one, it is easy and fun!

"I believe lust and love form perfect unions and the stars do align for true love. Be unstoppable for love!"

If you're looking for a story that will make you laugh and cry, lust and love, then come take a walk on the wild side and enjoy Siri and Aurei's thunderous journey; where ultimate seduction and ultimate discipline clash for one hell of an explosive ride!

I am happy to autograph your book. Email me for details.

** Did this storyline intrigue you, but you aren't a fan of erotic romance? Then you'll be excited to learn that I've cleaned the language and removed the scorching details to steamy love scenes. The plot is what drives this story. Check out "Looking For Love" by Cindee Bartholomew. **

