GIVEWAY, BLOG TOUR & Author Interview - Uncontrollable by Shantel Tessier June 30, 2014 Contemporary +0 Giveaway Contemporary Giveaway
BLOG TOUR & GIVEAWAY - The Fall of January Cooper by Audrey Bell June 30, 2014 Contemporary +0 Giveaway Contemporary Giveaway
Red & Wolfe, Part III by Ella James June 26, 2014 Cliffhanger Erotica +0 Review Cliffhanger Erotica Review
Sin Undone by Larrisa Ione June 26, 2014 Demons Paranormal Review Vampires + Werewolves Demons Paranormal Review Vampires Werewolves
COVER REVEAL - One Week by Zoey Derrick June 25, 2014 Contemporary +0 New Adult Contemporary New Adult